Lords question RBS chief on Scottish Independence
Lords question RBS chief on Scottish Independence
13 November 2012
The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee will question the Chairman and Head of Group Economics at the Royal Bank of Scotland on Tuesday 13 November, as part of their inquiry into the impact on the UK economy of Scottish independence
- Parliament TV: The Economic Implications for the United Kingdom of Scottish Independence
- Inquiry: Economic Implications for the United Kingdom of Scottish Independence
- Economic Affairs Committee
At 3.35pm, Tuesday 13 November, Committee Room 1, Palace of Westminster
- Sir Philip Hampton, Chairman, RBS
- Stephen Boyle, Head of Group Economics, RBS
Sir Philip Hampton and Stephen Boyle will face questions from the Committee including:
- whether it would be feasible for Scotland to use sterling as their currency without the agreement of the UK Government
- how financial regulation could still be conducted by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), which is a single, pan-UK body
- if an independent Scotland would want to introduce a different corporation tax to the rest of the UK and how this would impact on financial firms who are based in both countries
- whether Scottish people and businesses in particular have enough information on the economic implications of independence to make an informed choice in a 2014 referendum