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localised child grooming, e-crime

Committee hears from Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre

30 October 2012

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Committee continues its inquiry into localised grooming taking evidence from the Serious Organised Crimes Agency (SOCA) and its specialist unit the UK Human Trafficking Centre.

The Committee will then begin its inquiry into e-crime by taking evidence from Peter Davies the Chief Executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre. He will also update the Committee on the progress he has seen in tackling localised grooming in his role as ACPO lead for Child Protection and Abuse Investigation and Missing Children.


Tuesday 30 October 2012
Venue: Grimond Room Portcullis House

At 14.45 pm

  • David Dillnutt, Head of the UK Human Trafficking Centre, Serious and Organised Crime Agency
  • Mark Webster, Deputy Director, Operational Services, SOCA

At 15.15 pm

  • Peter Davies, Chief Executive, Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre and ACPO Lead for Child Protection and Abuse Investigation and Missing Children

Committee Chair Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP said:

"Between January and March this year 238 individuals including 90 children were reported to SOCA as being potential victims of trafficking. We will be hearing from SOCA and the UK Human Trafficking Centre about the links between internal and international trafficking and child grooming. We will also hear about how they assess whether or not individuals are victims of trafficking, the techniques they use when they interview vulnerable victims and what best practice is for interviewing children who are victims of localised grooming.

CEOP has previously told us that the sexual exploitation of children online is on the increase and that the use of the internet for grooming children is more prevalent than street grooming. We will be asking CEOP about the scale and nature of these appalling crimes, the resources available to combat them and the role that ISPs and web hosts should be playing.
We will also receive an update about the progress Local Safeguarding Children Boards have made in their work to combat localised grooming and the changes to the care system that are needed to safeguard vulnerable children."

Further Information