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E-consultation, Applied Languages Solutions,Justice Committee

Online forum on interpreting and translation services closed

24 October 2012

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Justice Committee has now concluded its oral evidence stage of the inquiry into interpreting and translation services and the Applied Language Solutions (ALS) contract

There was an excellent response to the call for written evidence and from the Committee online forum (see above) of observations from people (who may have been reticent to provide formal written evidence) who have direct experience of the provision of interpreting and translation services by ALS.

People included were from:

  • court and tribunal service staff;
  • members of the judiciary and magistracy;
  • legal practitioners;
  • defendants in criminal cases and parties in civil and family cases; and
  • interpreters providing services on behalf of ALS.

The three areas of inquiry where recent experiences were welcomed from:

  1. The quality of interpreting and translation services provided
  2. The effectiveness of the complaints resolution process
  3. The effectiveness of other steps that have been taken to rectify issues with under-performance