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EU Committee evidence session Banks, Llyods, Barclays, Royla Bank of Scotland,

Banks face Lords Committee on Reform of the Banking Sector

15 October 2012

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Barclays and the Royal Bank of Scotland will face questions about EU banking reform from a House of Lords Committee on Tuesday 16 October.

The House of Lords Economic and Financial Affairs EU Sub-Committee will question representatives from the banks on wide ranging subjects such as the recommendations from the recently published Liikanen Report and potential impact that banking reforms would have on the UK’s position in the financial markets. The Committee will ask witnesses about other issues including:

  • The key elements of a ‘banking union’ in the EU context
  • The division of responsibility between the European Central Bank and national supervisory bodies of Member States
  • Reforms to the role of the European Banking Authority (EBA)
  • European proposals for a framework for the recovery and resolution directive

The Committee launched its inquiry into EU banking reform in July, and on Tuesday the Committee will take evidence from the following:

  • Mark Harding, Barclays – Group General Counsel
  • Richard Kibble, Royal Bank of Scotland – Group Director (Strategy and Corporate Finance)

The evidence session will take place at 11:00 on Tuesday 16 October in Committee Room 3 of the House of Lords.