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codifying, local government

Prospects for codifying the relationship between central and local government

22 October 2012

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Political and Constitutional Reform Committee has so far received 81 responses to its request for written evidence on a draft code on the relationship between local and central government.  This is a record for a Political and Consitutional Reform Committee inquiry. 

Committee Chair, Graham Allen MP, commented

"This response underlines that there is a real thirst to take localism further and explore ways in which genuine separation of local from central government will happen. Our work with the Local Government Association has generated immense interest and we have together taken part in countless meetings up and down England.  Most of the responses are from local councils.  This demonstrates the high level of interest in the prospect of a code to set out the relationship between central and local government.  The Government's commitment to localism is welcome and laudable.  My Committee is considering the important matter of whether to codify the rights of local government in statue, to prevent power slowly drifting back towards the centre. All responses are available for scrutiny on the Committee’s website and the consultation remains open."

The inquiry is still open and written evidence in response to the code will be accepted until 5 November. 

The written evidence, along with the draft code, can be found on the Committee’s website:

Information about submitting written evidence

The deadline for written submissions is Monday 5 November 2012.  Submissions should not significantly exceed 2,000 words unless this has been cleared in advance with the Committee secretariat.  Written responses to the Committee will be treated as evidence to the Committee and may be published. If you object to your response being made public in a volume of evidence, please make this clear when it is submitted.

  • Responses should be submitted by email in Microsoft Word or rich text format to
  • If you do not have access to email, you may send a paper copy of your response to the Clerk of the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee, Committee Office, First Floor, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA.
  • Press requests: Jessica Bridges-Palmer, Committee Media Officer, 07917 488 489.
  • All other requests: Political and Constitutional Reform Committee, Tel: 020 7219 6287 Email: