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RegenMedQs, Regenerative Medicine

Lords Science Committee questions eye, heart and Parkinson's disease experts

30 October 2012

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee takes evidence from leading experts on heart disease, eye conditions and Parkinson’s disease

The Session is part of the Committee's inquiry into Regenerative Medicine and the Committee asked the public to tweet questions using the hashtag #RegenMedQs by Friday 26 October. The aim of the session is to help sift the hype from the reality when it comes to the prospects of regenerative medicine.

Lord Krebs the Committee Chairman made an appeal on YouTube for the public to get involved.


At 11.35am, Tuesday 30 October 2012, Committee Room 2, Palace of Westminster

Giving evidence to the Committee are:

  • Professor Peng Tee Khaw, Professor of Ocular Healing and Glaucoma and Consultant Opthalmic Surgeon, Moorfields Eye Hospital, UCL
  • Professor Roger Barker, works on foetal cell transplants for Parkinson’s disease at the University of Cambridge
  • Professor Michael Schneider, Chair in Cardiology, National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London and funded researcher at the British Heart Foundation

Commenting ahead of the evidence session Lord Krebs said:

"Regenerative medicine has the potential to have a huge impact on health care and provide real benefits for people suffering from a wide range of conditions. However, it is important to separate the hype and false promises from the real hope regenerative medicine can offer.

We want people, particularly those affected by heart disease, deteriorating eyesight and Parkinson’s disease, to tell us what questions they would like us to post to our panel of expert witnesses.

Tweet us using the hash tag #RegenMedQs and we will put a range of your questions to the witnesses. You can watch the evidence session live at"

The Science and Technology Committee inquiry into regenerative medicine will provide an assessment of the UK’s position and preparedness for the possible health benefits regenerative medicine could provide. Areas the Committee will focus on include UK expertise in the field, the applications of this research to treatments, the regulatory and financial barriers to translation and commercialisation of the findings of this research, and international comparisons.