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cycling safety

Cycling safety deadline for submissions extended

6 December 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Transport Select Committee has extended the deadline for submissions until Friday 17 January 2014.

Written submissions

We would like to hear views on:

  • Whether cycling is safe, particularly in towns and cities.
  • What central and local Government could do to improve cycling safety. Ideas could include better training and advice for drivers and cyclists, better enforcement of the law applying to drivers and cyclists, and better vehicle and road infrastructure.
  • Whether it would be desirable and feasible to segregate cyclists from other road users, including, for example, by prohibiting HGVs from entering city centres at peak hours.

Other ideas for improving cycling safety would also be welcomed.

Views can be sent to us via Twitter @CommonsTrans using #cyclesafe.

Submissions can be submitted via the Transport Committee website.


The Transport Committee last considered cycling safety as part of its road safety inquiry in 2012.

The Committee recommended that:

  • The Government should consider how to encourage greater adoption of sensors and mirrors by HGVs.
  • DfT should show how its efforts to work in partnership with departments such as DCLG and local authorities have been effective in encouraging the provision of cycle infrastructure and outline which problems in securing this joint-working have yet to be overcome.
  • DfT should issue a formal response to each of the eight points in the Times cycling safety manifesto.

The Committee also concluded that there was much work still to be done if the Government wanted to demonstrate that it was showing leadership in improving cycling safety.

This short inquiry will follow up these conclusions and recommendations from the Committee's 2012 report on road safety (PDF 9.35 MB).

Further information