Draft supplementary estimate for 2012-13 approved
26 February 2013
The Committee has approved IPSA’s draft supplementary estimate for 2012-13 without modification, in line with the advice provided to it under statute by HM Treasury.
IPSA has not requested any additional funding. It has requested a supplementary estimate for the following reasons:
a) to enable IPSA to retain rental income from the subletting of half of its office space and to include this rental income of £56,000 in the Estimate for subhead B (IPSA operations);
b) to establish a new subhead D to hold £365,000 costs arising from additional work on Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, and from the Information Commissioner’s Office decision notice that IPSA should release receipts for MPs’ expenses; and
c) to transfer £365,000 from subhead A, where forecasts indicate it will not be required to support MPs’ pay, staffing and expenses, to fund the additional and previously unforeseen costs in the new subhead D.
The draft supplementary estimate was laid before the House on 13 February.