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Bovine TB

Bovine TB: further evidence

21 February 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

On Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 February the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee will hold the second and third evidence sessions of its inquiry into vaccination of badgers and cattle against bovine TB

Tuesday 26 February

Location: Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster


At 4.00pm 

European Commission

  • Bernard Van Goethem, Director for Veterinary and International Affairs, DG Health and Consumer
  • Francisco Reviriego, DG SANCO
  • Koen Van Dyck, DG SANCO
  • Jacqueline Minor, Head of the Commission Representation in London

This session will explore the extent to which current EU legislation prevents the UK using a cattle BCG vaccine and the implications for the UK if it breaches this legislation. It will also discuss the timetable and likelihood for amending EU legislation to permit the use of a cattle BCG vaccine

Wednesday 27 February

Location: Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster


At 3.00pm

  Veterinary Medicines Directorate
  • Jackie Atkinson, Director of Authorisations
  • Anna-Maria Brady, Head, Biologicals team

At 3.45pm 

British Veterinary Association and British Cattle Veterinary Association

  • Carl Padgett (Past President), British Veterinary Association
  • Neil Blake, Chairperson for the BCVA Government/Agencies Liaison Working Group, British Cattle Veterinary Association

The first part of this session will aim to explore the procedure for obtaining marketing authorisation for a vaccine and to determine why authorisation for a cattle BCG vaccine has been delayed and what the current timetable is. It will also assess the VMD’s role in setting targets for the availability of vaccines. The second part of this session will explore wider issues surrounding Bovine TB and also Schmallenberg.

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