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Peers Quiz Director of Public Prosecutions and Law Enforcement Experts on Policing and Crime Opt-out

6 February 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Lords joint inquiry into the UK’s possible opt-out from police and criminal justice measures in 2014 will hear from Keir Starmer QC, Director of Public Prosecutions and head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and law enforcement experts from ACPO, Eurojust and SOCA on Wednesday 6 February.


At 11.00am, Wednesday 6 February, Committee Room 3, Palace of Westminster

  • Keir Starmer QC, Director of Public Prosecutions, Crown Prosecution Service

Following on, at 12pm, the Committees will hear from:

  • Commander Alan Gibson, Assoociation of Chief Police Officers (ACPO);
  • Aled Williams, former President of Eurojust;
  • William Hughes, former Director General of the Serious and
  • Organised Crime Agency (SOCA); and
  • Mike Kennedy, former President of Eurojust and former Chief Operating Officer at the CPS.

The Committees will first question Mr Starmer about issues including the effect of opting-out on UK prosecution and law enforcement agencies; the impact of the European Arrest Warrant on extradition to and from other Member States; and if there are any pre-Lisbon policing, crime and justice measures which have proved beneficial to prosecutors.

The Committees will explore with all of the witnesses issues including whether UK police and law enforcement agencies are using Eurojust and Europol as much as they could; the significance for cross-border cooperation if the opt-out were exercised and the ability for UK organisations to exchange information with other Member States; how the UK’s cooperation with non-EU countries regarding cross-border crime and extradition compares with its relationship with other Member States; and which measures are and are not in the UK’s best interests to opt back into.

Further Information