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Energy and climate change select committee inquiry bristol peter hain mp severn barrage

MPs hold first evidence session on 'A Severn Barrage?'

10 January 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Energy and Climate Change Committee will take evidence in public on 'A Severn Barrage?' at 9.30am on Thursday 10 January 2013 in The Grimond Room, Portcullis House.


At 9.30am

  • Rt Hon Peter Hain MP, Neath
  • Martin Mansfield, General Secretary, Wales TUC
  • Andy Richards, President, Wales TUC and Wales Secretary, Unite Union

At 10.00am

  • Kate Jennings, Head of Site Conservation Policy, RSPB
  • Martin Salter, National Campaigns Coordinator, The Angling Trust
  • Dr Simon Pryor, Director of Natural Environment, The National Trust
  • Martin Spray, Chief Executive, The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust

At 10.45am

  • Simon Bird, Chief Executive, Bristol Port Company
  • Matthew Kennerley, ABP Port Director South Wales, Associated British Ports
  • Professor Tim Broyd, FREng, Engineering the Future alliance

Timings are approximate.


The session will explore a range of issues, including:

  • The potential benefits of the proposed Hafren Power barrage and what form any related legislation might take;
  • The environmental impacts of the proposed barrage, to the estuary and surrounding land and wildlife habitats;
  • The potential socio-economic impacts of a barrage for industry and tourism;
  • EU legislation and how this impacts upon the Hafren Power barrage proposal; and
  • The implications of a barrage for UK energy infrastructure and engineering.

Written evidence from witnesses

Read written evidence submitted to the committee from some of the witnesses appearing;

You may also be interested to read further details of the proposal from Hafren Power;

Further written evidence submitted to the inquiry is available on the A Severn Barrage? inquiry page.

Further Information