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Energy and Climate Change, Severn Barrage, Hafren Power, EDF, CLA

Second evidence session on A Severn Barrage?

30 January 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Energy and Climate Change Committee will take evidence in public on A Severn Barrage? at 9.15am on Wednesday 30 January 2013 in Committee Room 5, Palace of Westminster.


At 9.15am
Hafren Power Ltd

  • Gregory Shenkman, Chairman, Hafren Power Ltd
  • Anthony Pryor CBE, Chief Executive, Hafren Power Ltd
  • Ian Gardner, Director, UKMEA Board, Arup
  • Professor Roger A. Falconer, Expert Panel, Hafren Power and CH2M HILL-Halcrow Professor of Water Management, Cardiff University
  • Andre Karihaloo, Head of Operations, Hafren Power Ltd

At 10.15am

  • Andrew Shirley, Chief Surveyor, The Country Land and Business Association (CLA)
  • Johnny Gowdy, Programme Director, Regen SW
  • Rupert Armstrong Evans, Proprietor, Evans Engineering and Power Company Ltd
  • Vincent de Laleu, Offshore & Marine Engineering, EDF Energy

Timings are approximate.


The session will explore a range of issues, including:

  • The potential cost of the Hafren Power proposals, both in terms of construction cost and Government support required;
  • The environmental impacts of the proposed barrage to the estuary and surrounding land and wildlife habitats;
  • EU legislation and how this impacts upon the Hafren Power barrage proposal;
  • The potential socio-economic impacts of a barrage for industry and tourism;
  • Alternative technologies and other proposals for tidal facilities in the Severn;
  • The impact on the interests of private landowners and farmers in the area;
  • The experience of tidal power at the EDF facility in La Rance, France.

Written evidence from witnesses

Read written evidence submitted to the Committee by the witnesses appearing:

Further information