Children First, Sure Start, Action for Children
Effectiveness of Sure Start Children's Centres, first session
22 January 2013
The Education Committee holds an evidence session on Tuesday 22 January 2013, the first session of its Foundation Years: Sure Start Children’s Centres inquiry.
- Parliament TV: Foundation Years: Sure Start Children's Centres
- Inquiry: Foundation Years: Sure Start Children's Centres
- Education Committee
Witnesses and Venue
Wilson Room, Portcullis House
At 9.30am
- Naomi Eisenstadt, CB, Senior Research Fellow, Department for Education, Oxford University
- Dame Clare Tickell, Chief Executive, Action for Children
Purpose of the Session
The purpose of the session is to set the scene for the inquiry, giving the Committee an opportunity to explore the background to Sure Start Children’s Centres and their effectiveness, as well as the impact of current Government policy, with two key figures in the field.