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CAP implementation 2014-2020

CAP implementation 2014-2020: inquiry launched

18 July 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

On 26 June 2013 the European Parliament, Council of Ministers and the European Commission reached an agreement on reforming the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post 2013.


The EFRA Committee has agreed to undertake an inquiry to explore how the Government might implement the reformed Common Agricultural Policy in England.

While some aspects of the reform will be applicable from 1 January 2014, the majority, including the new payments structure, will apply from 2015 in order to allow Member States time to inform farmers about new arrangements and to adapt computer-based CAP management systems.

The promise from EU leaders was for a ‘greener, fairer and less bureaucratic CAP’. The resulting agreement leaves a great deal of flexibility for Member States to implement the reforms in a way which suits them. Furthermore, final decision on issues such as capping payments, co-financing, and the transfer of funds between pillars have been held over until the negotiations on the wider EU budget this autumn.

The EFRA Committee has agreed to undertake an inquiry to explore how the Government might implement the reformed Common Agricultural Policy in England.

The Committee seeks written evidence on the following


  • Whether the UK’s implementation of CAP might put English farmers at a competitive disadvantage to their regional and European counterparts
  • What steps the Government might take in implementing CAP to help tenant farmers and farmers in upland areas, and to take account of issues pertaining to common land


  • What steps does the Government need to take to ensure the reformed CAP will be less bureaucratic than its predecessor and what might prevent this ambition from being achieved
  • How might the Government define the minimum activity required for qualification as an ‘active farmer’


  • How should the Government ensure that CAP delivers the best environmental benefits while supporting food production

Lessons learnt

What are the principal lessons the Government should learn from the implementation of the previous CAP

Written submissions for this inquiry should be submitted online via the inquiry page

The deadline for submitting written evidence has now passed.

Further information

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