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Severn Crossings, Toll, Wales, Cardiff, follow up

Evidence Session in Wales: The Severn Crossings Toll: follow-up

2 July 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Welsh Affairs Committee will question Jane Hutt AM, Minister for Finance, Welsh Government, on Thursday 11 July at 10.15am in relation to the future of the Severn Crossings.

Accompanying the Minister will be:

  • Claire Bennett - Deputy Director of Transport - Policy, Planning and Partnerships
  • Andrew Jeffreys - Deputy Director of the Strategic Investment Division and Financial Reform 
    Watch this session here.

The Committee will question the Welsh Government Minister about the impact of the tolls on the Welsh economy and uncertainties surrounding the future ownership of the Crossings.

It follows the Committee’s evidence session with Stephen Hammond MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Transport, on 18 June (Link to the webcast of the Stephen Hammond MP session).

The session in Cardiff will be followed immediately by an evidence session with the Police and Crime Commissioners in Wales, from 11.00am.

Evidence session details:

Please note that the session's location has changed

Date:        Thursday 11 July 2013
Time:        10.15am
Location:   Committee Room 1, the Senedd, Cardiff, Wales

This session will be televised.

The session is open to the public and press; all are welcome to attend. The venue is fully accessible. There is no need to reserve a place but if you would like more information please contact the Committee on 020 7219 6189 or

Further information:

The Committee held an inquiry in 2010 into The Severn Crossings Toll. The Committee’s report stated that there was a strong case for significantly reducing the cost of the toll once the bridges return to public ownership and its current debt is paid off.

The Committee renewed calls for the Severn Crossings tolls to be reduced when the Concession ends in its 2013 report on Cross-border road and rail links between England and Wales.

In May the Committee published a detailed breakdown of the Government’s accumulated debt on the Severn Toll Crossings, which it had requested in light of concerns over a steep and unforeseen increase in the level of the debt. The Committee has been concerned that the level of debt will delay or prevent the much needed reductions in the level of the toll that the Committee has repeatedly called for.

The transcript of the evidence session of 18 June 2013 with Stephen Hammond MP.

Committee Membership is as follows: David T. C. Davies MP (Chair), Glyn Davies MP, Guto Bebb MP, Geraint Davies MP, Stephen Doughty MP, Jonathan Edwards MP, Nia Griffith MP, Simon Hart MP, Mrs Siân C. James MP, Karen Lumley MP, Jessica Morden MP, and Mr Mark Williams MP

Publications / Reports / Reference Material: Copies of all select committee reports are available from the House of Parliament Shop (12 Bridge St, Westminster, 020 7219 3890) or the Stationery Office (0845 7023474). Committee reports, press releases, evidence transcripts, Bills; research papers, a directory of MPs, plus Hansard (from 8am daily) and much more, can be found on the Parliament website.

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