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Communications committee, media plurality, bskyb, nuj

Operation of existing media plurality framework: what lessons have been learned?

16 July 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

On Tuesday 16 July, the House of Lords Communications Committee will hear contrasting views on the effectiveness of the existing media plurality framework from BSkyB and the National Union of Journalists (NUJ).


At 3.30 pm

  • Mr David Wheeldon, Director of Policy and Public Affairs and Mr Adam Kinsley, Director of Policy, BSkyB

at 4.30 pm

  • Ms Michelle Stanistreet, General Secretary and Professor Chris Frost, Chair of the Ethics Council, NUJ

The Committee will seek to understand the lessons which BSkyB have taken from their direct experiences of the plurality rules in action. In particular, they will put questions to them on their view that the current arrangements already provide “the appropriate framework to ensure media plurality.”

The Committee will then get to grips with the NUJ’s highly contrasting view on those arrangements. In particular, they will interrogate the NUJ representatives on the various proposals for reform which they have put forward, from a 25% cap on news market share to a shift in discretionary power to launch public interest tests from the Secretary of State to Ofcom, and a change in regulation to permit the use of the Localism Act 2011 to establish local newspapers as community assets.

The evidence sessions will take place on Tuesday 16 July from 3.30 pm in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords.

Further information