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Ofcom, Committee, Oral evidence

Committee to take evidence from Ofcom

14 May 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

In preparation for a session with Ofcom’s chair and chief executive on the regulator’s performance in the last year and its annual plan for 2013/14, interested parties are invited to submit suggestions for issues which might be covered during the Committee’s questioning.

The Committee is interested to hear from industry representatives, individual consumers and consumer bodies. Areas which are likely to be covered are Ofcom’s regulatory work and duties in respect of the following:


  • Mobile policy and access to next generation devices 
  • Broadband services
  • Call costs, pricing information and switching providers
  • Market conditions 
  • Spectrum management and awards
  • Broadcasting codes: guidance and complaints handling 
  • Licensing of TV and radio
  • Public service broadcasting 
  • Online infringement of copyright and the Digital Economy Act 2010

Matters relating to postal services will not be covered during the forthcoming session as they fall outside the Committee’s remit.

The Committee wants to ensure that its questions reflect the issues that are most pressing and so is keen to consider matters in all of the above areas and any others which fall within Ofcom’s and this Committee’s remits. The session itself is expected to take place before the summer recess: the date and other arrangements will be announced shortly in a further press notice.

How to respond

The Committee requests short written submissions on the above and any other matters relevant to Ofcom’s work. A copy of the submission should be sent by e-mail and should have ”Ofcom” in the subject line. Submissions should be received by Monday 10 June 2013.

1. Ofcom is the Independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries
2. Ofcom published its Annual Plan (PDF 650KB) for 2013/14 on 28 March 2013. The Annual Plan presents Ofcom’s strategic purposes, proposed priorities and work programme for the twelve months from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014.