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Lords hear from accountancy firms and Fair Tax campaigners

Lords hear from accountancy firms and Fair Tax campaigners

21 May 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee will next week take evidence from representatives of accountancy firms as well as charities and NGOs who campaign on issues around corporation tax

The Committee is undertaking an inquiry into corporate taxation following high profile cases where companies have been criticised for the amount of tax paid in the UK leading to a perception that for large international companies corporation tax has become a voluntarily arrangement.


Tuesday 21 May in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords


  • Bill Dodwell, Head of Tax Policy Group, Deloitte,
  • Adam Broke, Tax Specialist,  Mercer & Hole,
  • Chris Sanger, Global Head of Tax Policy, Ernst & Young
  • Richard Collier, Tax Partner, PWC.


  • Richard Murphy,  Director, Tax Research LLP
  • Mike Lewis, Tax Justice Policy Advisor at Action Aid,
  • Alex Prats, Principal Economic Justice Advisor to Christian Aid and
  • Author and journalist Richard Brooks who has written extensively on tax issues.

Further information