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Select Committee Inquiries Act 2005, inquest, libery, rights watch uk

Are inquiries fit for purpose?

6 November 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Civil liberties and human rights organisations gave evidence to the House of Lords Committee on the Inquiries Act 2005 on Wednesday 6 November.


In Committee Room 4, Palace of Westminster

  • Ms Helen Shaw - INQUEST
  • Rachel Robinson - Liberty
  • Susan Bryant - Rights Watch UK

Purpose of the session

The Committee asked questions relating to how well the Act ensures that public inquiries are carried out as effectively and thoroughly as possible, and about the process of, and transparency in, setting up inquiries.

The Committee were interested in the answers to questions including:

  • Is the Minister the right person to decide to establish a statutory inquiry?
  • Should a Minister who decides not to hold a public inquiry have to give reasons for that decision?
  • Is there a case for a body to be set up with general oversight of the implementation of inquiries?
  • Should interested parties and victims’ families be consulted before the terms of reference are set?

Further information

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