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energy generation, Wales, Shale Gas

MPs hear evidence on energy generation in Wales: shale gas

14 November 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Welsh Affairs Committee will hold its second evidence session on Shale Gas in Wales at 11.15am on Thursday 28 November at the National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff. The Committee will take evidence from industry representatives and from health and safety and planning representatives.

Listen to this session here

Read the transcript of this session here

Shale gas is natural gas (predominately methane) found in shale rocks. Advances in technology – notably hydraulic fracturing or ‘fracking’ - over the last decade have made shale gas development economically viable. Planning permission has been given at a number of sites in Wales for exploratory drilling for shale gas. Further planning permission would be required for a full-scale extraction process.

The Committee will hear from industry representatives to examine the potential for shale gas exploration and commercial level extraction in Wales. It will also explore the environmental and economic impact of shale gas and whether the current regulatory regime covering such activity is adequate.


Thursday 28 November 2013; Committee Room 3, the Senedd, the National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff

At 11.15am

  • Coastal Oil and Gas
  • Cuadrilla Resources
  • Dart Energy

At midday

  • Planning Officers Society for Wales
  • Health and Safety Executive
  • Planning Inspectorate (tbc)

This evidence session is open to the public and press, all are welcome to attend. The venue is fully accessible. There is no need to reserve a place but if you would like more information please contact the Committee on 020 7219 6189 or

Further information