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Lords question shale gas advocates and Professor Robert Mair

29 October 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee, which is investigating the possible impact of shale gas and oil on the UK’s energy policy, will take evidence from industry advocates of onshore development of shale gas and oil. This will be followed by evidence from Professor Robert Mair CBE who oversaw the Royal Society’s report Shale gas extraction in the UK: a review of hydraulic fracturing.

In the first evidence session at 3:35pm on Tuesday 29 October the Committee will hear from Ken Cronin, from UK Onshore Operators Group (UKOOG) and Dan Lewis from Future Energy Strategies. The Committee will question the witnesses on the possible economic impact of shale gas in the UK, what US experience implies for the UK and on the environmental impact of fracking and shale gas extraction. 

The Committee will then hear from Professor Mair at 4:30pm. He will be asked about the key findings of the Royal Society’s report, for his views on the possible environmental risks presented by fracking, including earthquakes, and whether he feels the government have responded adequately to the report.


Tuesday 29 October, Committee Room 1, House of Lords


  • Ken Cronin, Chief Executive, UK Onshore Operators Group (UKOOG)
  • Dan Lewis, Chief Executive, Future Energy Strategies


  • Professor Robert Mair CBE, Cambridge University

Further information