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Carbon, capture, and, storage, MPs, energy, climate, change, committee, select, inquiry, CCS, evidence, session, public, tuesday, 15, october

Committee to hold evidence on 'Carbon Capture and Storage'

11 October 2013

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Energy and Climate Change Committee will take evidence on Carbon Capture and Storage on Tuesday 15 October 2013 in Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster.


Panel 1 at 9.30am:

  • Luke Warren, CEO, Carbon Capture & Storage Association
  • Professor Stuart Haszeldine, Director, Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage
  • Chris Littlecott, Senior Policy Adviser, E3G
  • Dr Ward Goldthorpe, Programme Manager, The Crown Estate

Panel 2 at 10.30am:

  • Sam Gomersall, Founding Director, CO2Deepstore
  • Jane Paxman, Policy and Communications Director, 2CO Energy
  • Bill Spence, Vice President, Strategic Issues, Shell International
  • Richard Simon-Lewis, Head of Finance, Capture Power
  • Jeremy Nicholson, Director, Energy Intensive Users Group

Timings are approximate.

Topics to be covered

The session will explore a range of issues, including:

  • The Potential benefits of CCS to the UK;
  • Barriers frustrating CCS development; and
  • An assessment of EU and UK CCS policy drivers.

Further information