Lords to hear from LSE
8 October 2013
The House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs will take evidence from Sir Nigel Wicks and Professor Luis Garicano, from the London School of Economics on Tuesday 8 October 2013
The committee is investigating EU plans for Genuine Economic and Monetary Union (GEMU), asking if deeper integration among Member States is realistic and beneficial, and looking into how much the UK should be involved in the proposals.
The Committee will ask the witnesses for their views on: The role of the European Central Bank in the GEMU proposals, whether they agree with François Hollande that the Eurozone crisis is largely over and the impact of GEMU might be on the single market and in particular what will be the impact on the UK which has said it will not participate.
10.40 am:
- Sir Nigel Wicks
11.30 am:
- Professor Luis Garicano, London School of Economics