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Alcohol misuse experts and Advertising Association questioned on Alcohol Strategy

3 December 2014

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The House of Lords Home Affairs, Health and Education EU Sub-Committee will question substance misuse experts, and representatives of drinks producers and advertisers on Wednesday 3 December, as part of its ongoing inquiry into the EU Alcohol Strategy.


Wednesday 3 December, Committee Room 3, Palace of Westminster

At 10.30am

  • Henry Ashworth, Chief Executive, Portman Group
  • Sue Eustace, Director of Public Affairs, Advertising Association

At 11.30am

  • Adrian Brown, Alcohol Liaison Nurse, Northwick Park and Central Middlesex Hospitals, CNWL NHS Foundation Trust
  • Vivienne Evans OBE, Chief Executive, Adfam

Possible Questions

At 10.30am

  • Is EU-level action on a legitimate and effective way of addressing alcohol-related harm?
  • What are the links between marketing and overall levels of consumption and alcohol-related harm?
  • WHO identifies the restriction of the marketing of alcohol as one of the three most cost-effective policies for reducing alcohol-related harm. Do you agree?
  •  What is the industry's opinion of the increase in the exposure of 13-16 year olds to online alcohol advertising and alcohol branded sports sponsorship?
  • How should the alcohol industry be involved in the development and implementation of alcohol policies?
  • Could pledges taken by the UK alcohol industry in the Public Health Responsibility Deal be transported across borders in the EU?
  • What are Local Alcohol Partnerships?

At 11.15am

  • How does alcohol consumption affect families?
  • What is the impact of alcohol use on admissions to Accident and Emergency departments?
  • Are these problems spread evenly across the country, or are some areas more affected than others?
  • Do EU countries face problems of a similar scale and nature?
  • What is your opinion on increasing the price or restricting the availability of alcohol?
  • What effect do you feel that minimum unit pricing would have on heavy drinkers?
  • Are you aware of policy approaches to these issues in other EU countries?
  • Is there a role for education and awareness-raising in reducing alcohol-related harm? Should this be targeted primarily at a) consumers, b) third parties such as family members, or c) professionals in the field? Can you provide examples of successful initiatives in this regard?

Further information