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Regional, Marine, Co-operation, European, Union

Sub-Committee hears from Academics on Regional Marine Co-operation

10 December 2014

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Lords Sub-Committee hears from academics as part of its ongoing inquiry into Regional Marine Co-Operation.

The House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries, Environment and Energy hears from academics in relation to its ongoing inquiry into Regional Marine Co-Operation.


From 11.00am on Wednesday 10 December 2014, Committee Room 2, the House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries, Environment and Energy takes evidence from:

  • Professor Melanie Austen, Head of Science - Sea and Science, Plymouth Marine Laboratory
  • Professor Mike Elliott, Director, Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies and Professor of Estuarine & Coastal Sciences, University of Hull
  • Dr Peter Jones, Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, University College London

Possible Questions

  • How can co-operation across national borders help to develop a better understanding of cumulative impacts? What sort of EU projects have been developed that tackle this issue?
  • To what extent can access to information and data about the marine environment be challenging?
  • What research work has been undertaken to map the marine policy environment around the North Sea in order to facilitate stakeholder engagement and support effective marine management?
  • What recommendations should be made to the new Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in order to address inconsistencies between EU policies affecting the marine environment?
  • Under what conditions might the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive be a helpful contribution to improving maritime spatial planning around the North Sea?
  • With a view to improved marine regional co-operation, what should be the respective roles of the Commission, Member States, stakeholders, local government and organisations such as OSPAR and ICES?
  • On what should multi-national research efforts in the field of the marine environment focus and over what timeframe? How can duplication of effort be avoided?
  • How critical, and how urgent, is it to make substantial improvements to management of regional seas such as the North Sea, and what are the implications of not doing so?

Further Information