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Adult literacy and numeracy – have your say

6 February 2014

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Business, Innovation and Skills Committee is looking into Adult Literacy and Numeracy and we want your help by telling us your experiences. Watch Caroline Dinenage MP explain more about the Committee’s inquiry in our video.

What we need to know

Are you an adult who finds it difficult to read, write or do sums? 

  • How has it affected you in your life? 
  • Do you feel supported if you want to increase your skills?

Are you an organisation that helps adults improve their reading, writing or maths? 

  • Do you have effective support from the government? 
  • What are the best ways to help adults learn how to read, write and do maths—through formal education or in a different way?

How to send us your views

You can make a video and post it up on YouTube or you can make an audio file and post it on SoundCloud. Please make your videos or audio files no longer than 3 minutes long.

Once your content is online you can send it to us in 2 ways:

  1. Post your content on Twitter and include our twitter handle in your tweet: @CommonsBIS
  2. Send us a link to your content via email to  - please make sure you tell us who you are when you email us.

Deadline for submissions: Tuesday 25 March 2014.

How we will use your content

The MPs on the Committee will try and watch or listen to all suitable submitted content - your experiences will inform the MPs about the impacts of low literacy and numeracy skills on peoples’ daily lives.  We can use this valuable information when writing a report to the government recommending how they should help teach and train adults in maths, reading and writing.

Terms and Conditions for user-generated content

By sending us your audio-visual content you agree and accept our terms and conditions:

  • You will own your content and can continue to use it as you wish.   However, by sending this content to us, you allow us to use your content online or to reference it in printed material at any time without further accountability to you
  • You must have the consent of all people featured in your video or audio and everyone must be over 16 years of age
  • Your video or audio must be your own work and not copied from anyone else, or feature anyone else's material - such as music - unless you have got their permission
  • Your content will not be covered by Parliamentary Privilege so be careful about what you say
  • You must not say untrue things about people or companies, or mention any court cases or arrests
  • You must not reveal any private information about yourself or anyone else, such as contact details in your video or audio clip
  • You must not include anything that is obscene, indecent or offensive

Please note:

  • If we reference your material this does not mean official approval of your company, charity, or group by Parliament or the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee
  • The Committee cannot look into individual cases raised by members of the public through their video or audio content
  • This inquiry is not investigating English for Speakers of Other Languages

Parliament is not responsible for content on third party websites.

Further information

Image/ video: Parliamentary copyright