Lords welcome Government's move to consult on long-term science capital
4 February 2014
The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee today warmly welcomed the formal response from the Government to their Scientific Infrastructure report.
- Government response: Scientific Infrastructure
- Research Council UK (RCUK) response: Scientific Infrastructure
- Report: Scientific Infrastructure
- Scientific Infrastructure inquiry
- Science and Technology Committee (Lords)
Committee report and response
In the Committee’s report, published in November 2013, they found that the potential and long term competitiveness of the UK’s large scale scientific resources were being compromised by the lack of a long term strategic investment plan.
The report also found that the UK was missing out on vital research opportunities because large scale scientific machinery was not being used to its maximum.
The Government has responded to the report by embracing the Committee’s central recommendations – that a long term, strategic plan is required for science capital. The Government says it will establish a Ministerial advisory group on long term strategy and capital investment. This group will advise Ministers on a strategic roadmap for science and research infrastructure, and on the other detailed recommendations in the Committee’s report.
Committee Chairman
Chair of the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee, Lord Krebs, said:
“We are delighted that the Government have agreed with our key recommendations and we look forward to the forthcoming consultation on long term science and research capital, and seeing the subsequent roadmap on long term science capital promised by the Government.
The UK has an enviable reputation internationally for the range and quality of its large scale scientific facilities, and we very much hope that the processes to be followed by the Government will cement the UK’s position at the forefront of scientific research for the long term.”