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Lord Heseltine, EU Youth Unemployment

Lord Heseltine questioned on EU youth unemployment

11 February 2014

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

On Tuesday 11 February at 3.10pm, Lord Heseltine will be a witness at the last evidence session of the Lords Committee inquiry looking into youth unemployment.


Tuesday 11 February 2014, Committee Room 3, Palace of Westminster

at 3.10pm:

  • The Rt Hon Lord Heseltine CH

The House of Lords EU Sub Committee on the Internal Market, Infrastructure and Employment is investigating levels of unemployment amongst young people in Europe, and examining the effectiveness of EU funded programmes for tackling the problem.

Likely questions

Lord Heseltine, who in 2012 produced a report for the Government on ways to stimulate the economy, will be asked by the Committee for his view on how effective he sees EU measures in reducing youth unemployment.

Other questions which the Committee will ask Lord Heseltine include:

  • How well can youth unemployment be tackled through the process of handing control of the issue to organisations at the local level?
  • Do you think that steps to devolve responsibilities have gone far enough? If not, why not?
  • Where can EU programmes add value in trying to solve the problem of youth joblessness?
  • How much can one country learn from another on this issue?

Further information