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First oral evidence session: The Future of the BBC

20 January 2014

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Tuesday 14 January 2014 – The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House

The Culture, Media and Sport Committee announced an inquiry into the Future of the BBC on 22 October 2013.

The Committee is starting the debate on the future of the BBC in preparation for the review of its Royal Charter. The BBC’s current Charter comes to an end on 31 December 2016. During the course of the inquiry, the Committee expects to consider all aspects of the BBC from its purpose, scale, and funding and governance arrangements in the period beyond 2016. The inquiry’s terms of reference and the written evidence received so far can be found on the Committee’s website. In this first evidence session, the Committee will hear evidence from three well-known media commentators and will explore their views on what a future BBC should like. 


At 10.30am

  • David Elstein, Chairman of and the Broadcasting Policy Group
  • Claire Enders, founder of Enders Analysis Limited
  • Steve Hewlett, Guardian columnist and presenter of the BBC Radio 4 Media Show