eu us trade deal, Ignacio Garcia Bercero
Lords look at lessons learnt from recent trade agreement
16 January 2014
What lessons can Europe learn from the EU/South Korean trade deal? That’s the question being put to the European Commission by the House of Lords Committee charged with investigating the EU/US trade deal.
- Parliament TV: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
- Inquiry: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
- EU Sub-Committee C - External Affairs
Thursday 16 January, Committee Room 1, Palace of WestminsterAt 10.05am via video-conference
- Ignacio Garcia Bercero, Director, DG Trade, European Commission
Possible questions
The Committee will quiz Mr Bercero on his experience as chief negotiator for the EU during the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement, and ask him how it compares to TTIP.
Other questions he will face, via videoconference, include:
- In terms of economic benefit, scope and timescale, how do the EU/Korea and EU/US deals compare?
- Are there similarities in the EU Member States’ attitudes to both deals?
- Could TTIP learn from the regulatory cooperation arising from the Korean agreement?
- What can be learnt from the provisions made for the agricultural and financial sectors?
- How is the EU/Korean deal now working? Do the structures for sustained cooperation offer any hope for TTIP?