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Commission bulletin 9 July

House of Commons Commission bulletin – 9 July 2014

10 July 2014

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Education Centre

Work has started to clear the site in Victoria Tower Gardens for construction of the new Education Centre. It is expected that construction will start in earnest in August. The Centre is due to be fully operational in May 2015, following an official opening and soft launch. The Commission welcomed progress and was updated on work to develop the services to be delivered through the Centre.  

Northern Estate Refurbishment

The Commission agreed in principle to proceed with Northern Estate refurbishment.  Three listed buildings on the Northern Estate are overdue for major refurbishment: Norman Shaw North, 1 Parliament Street and 1 Derby Gate. The Programme is also likely to include some works on Norman Shaw South.  The programme will: reduce the risk of building failure; improve fire safety and environmental performance; improve disability access between buildings; and increase and improve accommodation space, addressing issues with heating, ventilation and plumbing.  This will be a substantial programme of work, requiring occupants to vacate the affected buildings temporarily.  The Commission approved the acquisition of the necessary decant accommodation and sanctioned expenditure on the detailed planning.  Work on site is unlikely to start before 2017.  The Administration Committee, with input from the Finance and Services Committee, will represent Members’ interests.  


The Commission was briefed by the Parliamentary Security Director.  A number of security officer posts have recently been converted into doorkeeper posts; for example, in Speaker’s Court and outside the Members’ Cloakroom.  Similar changes will occur at other locations in the next few months, including at Members’ Entrance. 

The Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament

The Commission agreed to proceed with the transfer to Parliament of the resourcing of the ISC.  Assuming that there is a similar agreement by the House of Lords House Committee, the transfer will take place on 1 August.

Senior Pay

The Commission agreed a three-year pay award for staff in the Senior Commons Structure.

Commission Annual Report

The Commission approved the text of its annual report, which will be published later this month. 

Respect Policy

On Monday evening the House approved the Committee on Standards’ report, Respect Policy [HC 321, 201415].  The Respect Policy, originally agreed in 2011, establishes a process for House of Commons staff to follow if they consider that a Member of Parliament or a member of their staff has behaved inappropriately towards them.  Under the revised policy, which comes into effect immediately but is not retrospective, the most serious complaints may be referred to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards if they cannot be resolved informally or by mediation.