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Tim Yeo comments on Carbon Budget announcement

22 July 2014

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Tim Yeo MP, Chair of the Energy and Climate Change Committee, has released a statement on the announcement that the Government will not be amending the Fourth Carbon Budget.

Tim Yeo MP, said: 

"This is the right decision. There is no sound economic or scientific basis for reducing the UK’s ambition to cut climate-changing carbon emissions.

I congratulate the Government on resisting the calls coming from some quarters to downgrade the ambition of the UK’s carbon budgets. Doing so now would have sent out the wrong message to the international community just when the US and China appear to be taking positive steps towards agreeing a deal in 2015 to limit emissions.

It would also have sent a confusing signal to energy investors and businesses at a time when the UK cannot afford any delays in upgrading our energy infrastructure and replacing aging and dirty power stations with cleaner forms of power like nuclear and renewables."

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