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Sinn Fein, "on-the-runs", Gerry Kelly

Committee to query Sinn Fein's "on-the-runs" evidence

9 June 2014

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee has published Sinn Fein’s evidence to its inquiry into the "on-the-runs" scheme.

Chair's Comments

In their written evidence, Sinn Fein has stated that they will not send a witness to give oral evidence to the Committee’s inquiry. Committee Chair Laurence Robertson MP said:

"I am surprised and disappointed at Mr Kelly's refusal to come and give evidence in public on this important issue. One of the biggest problems with this scheme is the secrecy that has surrounded it until now, and it is important now to open it up to public scrutiny, which is what we are trying to do in this inquiry. I will be writing to Mr Kelly asking some further questions about his and Sinn Fein’s evidence, and contesting some of his assertions."

The Committee is taking evidence in Belfast today and tomorrow, from senior government and judicial figures including the First Minister, DPP, Justice Minister and Attorney General for Northern Ireland

Evidence Sessions

Today’s sessions will be streamed live on the Stormont website

All the meetings will take place in the Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings, Stormont.

Monday 9 June

At 11.00 am      

  • Nick Perry, Permanent Secretary, Department of Justice (until 12 midday)

At 1.00 pm      

  • William Frazer, Families Acting for Innocent Relatives (FAIR), Barry Halliday and Gordon Murdock

At 1.45 pm      

  • John Beggs, Secretary, Commission for Victims and Survivors for Northern Ireland
  • Adrian McNamee, Head of Policy and Research. Commission for Victims and Survivors for Northern Ireland
  • Ann Travers, Victims and Surviviors Forum
  • David Scott, Vicitim and Surviviors Forum

Tuesday 10 June

At 9.30 am        

  • David Ford MLA, Minister of Justice

At 10.30 am      

  • Barra McGrory QC, Director of Public Prosecutions for NI

At 11.30 am      

  • Rt Hon Peter Robinson MLA, First Minister (until 12.30 pm)

At 1.30 pm        

  • Anne Connolly, Chair, NI Policing Board
  • Brian Rea, member, NI Policing Board
  • Sam Pollock, Chief Executive, NI Policing Board (until 2.30 pm)

At 2.30 pm

  • Phyllis Carrothers, Innocent Victims United
  • Shelley Gilfillan, Innocent Victims United
  • Stephen Gault, Innocent Victims United
  • Kenny Donaldson, Innocent Victims United

At 3.30 pm        

  • John Larkin QC, Attorney General for Northern Ireland   

Further information