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voter engagement, Sheffield, Outreach, voting, elections

Voter engagement events in Sheffield

5 June 2014

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Political and Constitutional Reform Committee is visiting Sheffield on Thursday 5 June to question local organisations and individuals about recent trends in voter registration and turnout and how to increase public engagement with politics.

Drop In session – 12.15pm to 1.15pm

From 12.15pm - 1.15pm you can drop in and put your views on voter turnout and engagement to MPs on the Committee. The Committee is particularly interested to hear your views on:

  • Why you think so many people don’t vote, or even register to vote?
  • To what extent public perception and the media portrayal of MPs and the Government turn people off voting?
  • What could be done to get people more engaged with voting, and politics in general?

If you would like to tell the Committee your opinions and experiences come along and talk to the Committee – whether you are a first-time voter, have never voted or a seasoned voter.

The drop-in event takes place at: Lecture Theatre 1, University of Sheffield Arts Tower, 12 Bolsover Street, Sheffield, S3 7NA

Formal evidence session – 2pm to 4pm

From 2pm - 4pm the Committee will take formal evidence as part of their current inquiry into Voter engagement in the UK.

The evidence session will focus on:

  • how to get people involved in elections
  • what needs to be done to make sure everyone who is eligible is registered to vote

The Committee will be hearing from:

  • Nigel Slack, Sheffield for Democracy
  • Professor Matt Flinders and Professor Hendrik Wagenaar, University of Sheffield
  • Alasdair Buckle, President, Eleanor Thompson, Student Voice Manager, and Richard Eastall, Director of Membership Services, University of Sheffield Students’ Union
  • John Tomlinson, Electoral Services Manager, Sheffield City Council

The evidence session takes place at: Lecture Theatre 4, University of Sheffield Arts Tower, 12 Bolsover Street, Sheffield, S3 7NA

Limited places are available to watch this evidence session.

How to book

To register for these events please click on the link below and complete the registration form:

Places for the evidence session are available on a first come first served basis. If a waiting list is formed then further places will be allocated if they become available.

We will process your registration form and you will receive an email shortly to confirm receipt of your request. If you have any difficulties accessing the link, please let us know.

More information on Outreach events and the work of the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee is available on Parliament’s website.

Keeping in touch

The details you supply will help us verify registration information held on our database. The details provided will also help plan future events and help us to contact you with information on subject specific Outreach activities that may be of interest you.