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Effectiveness of the Committee in 2012–13 Report published

Report on the Effectiveness of the Committee in 2012–13 published

28 November 2014

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Home Affairs Committee of the House of Commons has today published its report, Effectiveness of the Committee in 2012–13.

The Report lists all the Committee's recommendations from the 2012–13 Session of Parliament, together with the Government response and an assessment of whether each recommendation has been accepted or rejected, or whether further information is required.

Chair's comments

Rt. Hon Keith Vaz MP, Chairman of the Committee, said:

"The Report shows that the Government accepted 152 of the 265 recommendations we made in 2012–13, a success rate of 57%. While we welcome the fact that the Committee has played a significant role in bringing about important and much needed change in the Home Office and its agencies, it is disappointing that 43% of the Committee's recommendations have not been acted upon.

We will continue to press for action during the remaining months of this Parliament in those areas where we still believe more work is needed. These include the regulation of private investigators, drug law reform and the work of the Home Office's visas and immigration directorates. These areas, particularly the latter as we have seen in recent days and weeks, require urgent and dramatic action and we sincerely hope that the Home Office sit up and take notice of the Committee's recommendations in the reports published between now and May 2015.

Maintaining this grid of recommendations allows the Committee to adopt a methodical and strategic approach to managing its future programme, concentrating on areas where our work is likely to have the most impact."

Further information