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David Cameron, Scottish referendum, Indyref

Areas of questioning for Prime Minister announced by Liaison Committee

20 November 2014

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Prime Minister answers questions on the governance of the UK in light of the Scottish referendum on Thursday 20 November 2014.

The meeting focuses on the following theme:

Governance of the UK in the light of the Scottish referendum

The Committee questions the Prime Minister on the Government's plans for further devolution to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and for devolution to, or within, England.


At 10.30am, Thursday 20 November, Grimond Room, Portcullis House

  • Rt Hon David Cameron, MP

The issues raised include:

  • The lessons from the Scottish referendum and the timetable for further Scottish devolution
  • The Government's plans for further devolution to Wales and to Northern Ireland
  • Tax devolution and the Barnett formula
  • Proposals for devolution to cities and regions within England
  • The merits of "English votes for English laws" and the implications for Parliament at Westminster
  • The impact of devolution on UK policy making on social security, health, transport and science
  • The case for a constitutional convention.

The session is chaired by Rt Hon Sir Alan Beith MP (Lib Dem) and  also involves the following Select Committee Chairs:

  • Mr Graham Allen MP, Political and Constitutional Reform (Lab)
  • Dame Anne Begg MP, Work and Pensions (Lab)
  • Mr Clive Betts MP, Communities and Local Government (Lab)
  • Mr Ian Davidson MP, Scottish Affairs (Lab/Co-Op)
  • David T C Davies MP, Welsh Affairs (Con)
  • Mrs Louise Ellman MP, Transport (Lab) 
  • Rt Hon Margaret Hodge MP, Public Accounts (Lab)
  • Andrew Miller MP, Science and Technology (Lab)
  • Mr Laurence Robertson MP, Northern Ireland Affairs (Con)
  • Mr Andrew Tyrie MP, Treasury (Con)
  • Mr Charles Walker MP, Procedure (Con)
  • Dr Sarah Wollaston MP, Health (Con)

Further information