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House of Commons Commission decisions

House of Commons Commission decisions – 8 September 2014

9 September 2014

Image of UK Parliament portcullis


  • The Speaker, in the Chair
  • Sir Paul Beresford
  • Frank Doran
  • Angela Eagle
  • Mr William Hague (Leader of the House)
  • John Thurso

1. Declaration of Interests (New Commissioner) 

Mr William Hague had no interests to declare beyond those published in the Register of Financial Interests on 26 August 2014.

2. Recruitment of Clerk/Chief Executive

The Commission was updated on the process, noted the proposal to establish a select committee on the Governance of the House of Commons, and agreed to discuss the matter again at its next meeting.

3. Catering Services

The Commission noted the recent reduction in the net cost of Catering Services and agreed to invite the Administration Committee to review the current pilot arrangements for third-party hire of banqueting facilities and consider whether they should be extended at least until 2015/16 to facilitate financial planning.

4. Legal Costs – Personal Case

The Committee recommended to Mr Speaker that a request to meet further costs incurred by a Member in relation to an Employment Tribunal case should be met under the provision in the General Services Budget of the Members Estimate for “other appropriate expenditure within the ambit of the vote”, subject to the formal undertaking already provided by the Member to repay any sums subsequently received as costs from the complainant and a commitment to keep the House Administration regularly informed of progress with the case.

5. Commission Procedures

The Commission agreed a statement of its current practice and procedure.

6. Any other business

Mr Speaker updated the Commission on progress with the transfer of resourcing of the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament from Government to Parliament.

The Commission was briefed on security arrangements for the Education Centre.

7. Date of next meeting

To be confirmed.

Note: on 29 August the Commission agreed by correspondence to appoint David Natzler, Clerk Assistant, as interim Accounting Officer under 3(2) of the House of Commons (Administration) Act 1978 with effect from 1 September.