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Devolution after the referendum terms of reference

19 September 2014

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Political and Constitutional Reform Committee has agreed to hold an inquiry looking at the future of devolution in the United Kingdom, in the light of the referendum result.

The terms of reference are as follows:

  • Should England, Wales and Northern Ireland be offered the level of devolution that has been discussed in relation to Scotland? 
  • If so, what should be the next stages to take forward devolution in a) Scotland, b) Wales, c) Northern Ireland, d) England? 
  • To what extent is the Government’s timetable for considering the future of devolution realistic? 
  • What measures, such as a written constitution, could most effectively entrench future devolution settlements? 
  • Given that different parties have put forward different proposals for further devolution to Scotland, what is the best way forward?
  • What implications does further devolution to Scotland have for how the House of Commons should deal with legislation that deals with only part of the UK?

Chair of the Committee, Graham Allen MP, said:

"The consequences for our democracy of the referendum result will be examined by the Select Committee and a report issued to Parliament and the public. The inquiry is likely to include a consideration of the need for the levels of devolution being offered to Scotland to be offered to England, Wales and Northern Ireland, a written constitution to entrench that settlement, and other matters that will require an immediate view from Parliament.

We are living through very exciting times for our democracy and I am keen to seize this chance to consider the future of devolution. My own view is that if it’s good enough to offer to Scotland, it’s good enough for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

I want to hear the views of the leaders of the main political parties on the way forward for our democracy."

How to respond

The deadline for written submissions is 23 October 2014.  Submissions should not significantly exceed 3,000 words unless this has been cleared in advance with the Committee secretariat. Written responses to the Committee could be treated as evidence to the Committee and may be published. If you object to your response being made public, please make this clear when it is submitted.

If you are considering submitting written evidence please read the following guidelines:

If you intend to make a submission and require further time, please contact us at

Further information