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EU Pensions Plan, occupational pensions

EU pensions plans

11 February 2015

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Committee has today written to the Economic Secretary to the Treasury about the EU’s proposals on occupational pensions. The Committee reiterates its concern about whether EU-level action is justified and asks for further clarity on the timetable for negotiating the proposal.

Scrutiny of the proposal

The Committee has been scrutinising the proposal for a Directive on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision (COM(2014)0167) since it was published in the spring of 2014.

Owing to government delays in the scrutiny process, the House of Lords was not able to issue a Reasoned Opinion on the proposal before the deadline. However, in November, the Committee wrote to the Commission setting out its concerns that the draft proposal breached the principle of subsidiarity: that action should only be taken at EU level if national measures cannot achieve the desired aim. A response to this letter is awaited.

The Committee will continue to scrutinise the proposal as negotiations progress.

Further information