ISIL, Islamic State, Iraq, Syria, UK response
Iraq, Syria: threat posed by Islamic State report publication date
30 January 2015
The Defence Committee will publish a report on the The situation in Iraq and Syria and the response to al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq al-Sham (DAESH) on Thursday 5 February 2015.
This will be the Committee’s Seventh Report of Session 2014–15 (HC 692).
The Report will be on the Committee’s website, from 00.01 am on Thursday 5 February and copies may be purchased from The Houses of Parliament Shop (12 Bridge Street, Westminster, London, SW1A 2JX).
Embargoed copies of the report will be available to witnesses, including those from Government departments, and the media on Wednesday 4 February from 09.00 am. Members of the press should contact Alex Paterson on 07917 488488.