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Evidence check: Starting school - call for evidence

29 January 2015

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Education Committee asks for written submissions to its Evidence Check: Starting school inquiry by Monday 23 February, in advance of a one-off session in March.

The session will focus on evidence relating to the Government's policy on the school starting age, including provisions for those born in summer months or born prematurely.

This is the second subject to be inquired into by the Committee following the ‘Evidence check’ web forum, which involved the Committee hosting online forums on memoranda submitted by the Department for Education on the evidence behind certain of its policies.

The Department’s memoranda on ‘School starting age’ and ‘Summer born children’, along with over 170 forum comments on these topics, can be seen at:

The Committee assesses:

  • Whether the evidence provided reflects the range and balance of evidence available, including from other countries
  • Whether the evidence quoted by the Department is faithfully represented
  • How the Department’s policies relate to the evidence provided

Send a submission

The Committee is very grateful to all those who have already taken the opportunity to submit comments on the Department’s memoranda.

Those who wish to contribute at this stage are invited to submit brief written comments, focusing on points not already raised in the forum, by midday on Monday 23 February 2015.

Submissions should be sent via the Evidence Check: Starting school inquiry page.

Evidence session

The Education Committee is holding a one-off evidence session on the subject of starting school on Wednesday 4 March 2015. The session focuses on evidence relating to the Government’s policy on the school starting age, including provisions for those born in summer months or born prematurely.

Further information