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common agricultural policy, farming, rural payements agency

RPA pulls plug on CAP IT system

20 March 2015

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee will take evidence from the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on Wednesday 25 March at 3pm.

About the session

The RPA announced yesterday that an expensive new IT system, developed over two years will not be capable of receiving farmers’ Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) claims. Farmers are now being asked to go back to pen and paper.

This abrupt U-turn by the RPA and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs comes after mounting worries about the capability of the system to manage complex information, including mapping farmers' land. 


Wednesday 25 March at 3.00pm

  • Rt Hon. Elizabeth Truss, Secretary of State, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; and
  • Mark Grimshaw, Chief Executive, Rural Payments Agency 

The meeting will take place in a committee room in the House of Commons.

Further information