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UK democracy, MP job description, PM directly elected

Political and Constitutional Reform Committee and Parliamentary Outreach democracy event

4 March 2015

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Nottingham residents will have the chance to discuss issues around the UK’s democracy and political system at a special Parliamentary event held at the Riverside Centre in Bulwell.

The future of UK democracy: have your say

This event offers people the opportunity to air their views to the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee about the future of UK democracy, focusing on what the UK Parliament could look like in the future.
‘The future of UK democracy’ is an event for people to have their say and help shape ongoing work in Parliament on whether the UK should have a formal written constitution, and what form it should take.

Chair's comments

Graham Allen, chair of the Committee and MP for Nottingham North said:

"People in Nottingham would benefit massively from a written constitution. Not only should everyone know the rule book of our society but we should be clear that anyone passing laws should be directly elected including the Prime Minister and the Second Chamber. If devolution - a right in most western democracies - came to England Nottingham would not be told what to do by Whitehall but have a right to run its own affairs: that way more of us would get involved in politics, parties and voting."

The event starts with a presentation about Parliament and then moves to small groups to discuss the House of Commons, the House of Lords, the Cabinet and the Head of State and the Prime Minister, and what you think about each topic.

What the group discussions will look at

Group discussions will focus on the roles and future of the House of Commons, the House of Lords, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the Monarch.

Potential areas for discussion include:

  • Should the House of Lords be reformed?
  • Should MPs have a job description?
  • Should the Prime Minister be directly elected?
  • What role should the Monarch have?

There will also be a presentation providing a general overview of Parliament and its work, plus networking opportunities.

How to attend

Spaces at the event are limited so booking in advance is essential. You can book online using the following link:

Where and when

This event will take place on Friday 6 March, 3-5pm at:

Riverside Centre
Main Street

Map and directions

Further information