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Long-term implications of the pandemic discussed with leading organisations

3 September 2020

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The COVID-19 Committee have invited representatives from University College London's Institute of Education, the All Party Parliamentary Group on the Green New Deal, Demos and the Royal Society of Art to discuss their COVID-19 related work.

As part of its inquiry into Life Beyond COVID, the Committee seeks to gain an insight from organisations that have been gathering views from the general public about the long-term implications of the pandemic. The Committee hopes to hear about the themes that have emerged from their work and discuss the likely long-term impact of COVID on the UK.


Tuesday 8 September 2020 at 10.00am

  • Brad Blitz, Head of the Department of Education, Practice and Society at University College London's Institute of Education -
    UCL ran a global competition from June-July 2020 alongside openDemocracy entitled ‘Visions of a world after COVID-19’ which invited young people to present their visions for the world after the coronavirus crisis has passed. 
  • Clive Lewis MP, co-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on the Green New Deal
    The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on the Green New Deal launched their Reset initiative in June. They have been taking evidence and running public surveys, throughout the summer, seeking views on what life will look like after COVID, in order to “help shape a fairer, greener, future for the UK.”
  • Polly Mackenzie, Chief Executive of Demos
    Demos are a charity and think-tank that aims to be “a champion of people, ideas and democracy.” Demos has been seeking views from the British public on how life has changed for people, and how they feel about it, with the aim of developing ideas and producing recommendations for how society could be rebuilt following the pandemic. 
  • Anthony Painter, Chief Research and Impact Officer at the RSA
    The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) aims to use its research, and its global network of 30,000 Fellows, to “address the most pressing social challenges through ideas and action.” The Bridges to the Future project aims “to bring people together … to identify how the world could, and should, change after this pandemic.”

Likely themes for discussion

  • Long term trends related to the pandemic in the UK and the way in which this may or may not impact different groups or sectors of society.
  • Public opinions regarding the long-term impacts on daily life, and on wider society, and desire for change and/or return to 'normalcy'.
  • Expert views on the likelihood of the pandemic leading to long term changes for the economy and society.

Further information