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BIS Committee's future programme

16 September 2015

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

A statement from Mr Iain Wright MP, Chair of the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee on the future work of the Committee:

Over the coming weeks, the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee will be announcing some of its initial inquiries. I see these as the first steps of a programme of work lasting the whole Parliament.

By 2020, I want the Committee to have played a meaningful role in supporting a competitive and dynamic economy in the UK. To me, this means examining the future of business and skills to scrutinise how Government can support growth in modern, innovative sectors. We will examine how wealth will be created in Britain in the 21st century through the application of innovation, the development of higher skills for all and the promotion of high growth companies employing a well-paid workforce. We will scrutinise how technology can shape the future economy, as well as considering the role of those sectors which have formed the foundation of the UK economy so far.

The Committee has a broad range of policy areas to cover and there is a lot to do.

We have already announced an inquiry into the Government's Productivity Plan. We'll be hearing oral evidence on this subject in October and considering how policies relating to investment, regulation, innovation and skills should be contributing to boosting the UK's productivity.

Further to this work, the Committee has agreed inquiries on the digital economy and on assessing quality in Higher Education. We will announce terms of reference shortly. Later this year we will be turning to the future of further education and also examining the Government's support for UK exporters and the reduction of the trade deficit.  

I want the Committee to be able to add real value to policy development within the BIS remit. We will aim to achieve this by adopting a balanced approach, covering broad, or fundamental, issues, as well as responding in detail to specific policy challenges as they arise. Some of the fundamental issues range across departmental remits. On these, I'm keen to work with other House committees, on a cross party basis, to ensure a joined-up approach to scrutiny and build a consensus in Parliament.

We want stakeholders across the business, innovation and skills communities to continue to engage with the Committee's work – we look forward to hearing your views.

Further information

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