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Homelessness inquiry launched

17 December 2015

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Communities and Local Government (CLG) Committee has announced an inquiry into the causes of homelessness as well as the approaches taken by national and local government to prevent and tackle homelessness.

Chair's comments

Clive Betts MP, Chair of the Communities and Local Government Committee, said:

"Reports suggest homelessness is on the increase. As a Committee, we will want to examine the causes of homelessness, the steps to tackle homelessness, and how issues of social housing are having an impact on homelessness numbers. We'll also want to look at how effectively homelessness levels are being monitored – is Government recording and presenting a true picture of those in unsuitable housing or sleeping rough?"

Written submissions

The Committee is seeking evidence on the following points:

  • Differing causes of homelessness for households, couples and single people
  • Steps to tackle homelessness
  • The relationship between homelessness and the availability of social housing
  • Measures taken by local authorities to deal with the homeless
  • The implications of the statutory duty of care, and possible extension to those in danger of homelessness, particularly single people
  • Different approaches to homelessness in big cities and in non-metropolitan areas
  • The re-establishment of the cross government Ministerial Working Group on Preventing and Tackling Homelessness
  • How levels of homelessness are monitored and reported
  • The effectiveness of current legislative framework in England with a review of the different approaches taken in Scotland and Wales

Send a written submission via the homelessness inquiry page.

Written evidence should be submitted by 8 February 2016.

Further information

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