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Committee will study new government plans for social care funding

15 December 2016


Clive Betts, Chair of the Communities and Local Government Committee comments on the announcement from Sajid Javid, Secretary of State of the Department for Communities and Local Government, on the Local Government Finance settlement.

Chair's comment

Clive Betts, Chair of the Committee, said:

"The Secretary of State's announcement goes some way to acknowledging the very challenging financial pressures which local authorities are facing in providing adult social care services.

In the CLG Committee's inquiry we've heard how the gap in social care funding is causing serious difficulties to both NHS and social care services.

As a Committee we will want to examine the details of this announcement, including the move to provide additional funds from the New Homes Bonus rather than through the Better Care Fund, and we will press Ministers on the long-term future of social care in the New Year."


The Committee is currently looking into the financial sustainability of local authority adult social care and the quality of care provided.

The Committee held a session with Simon Stevens, Chief Executive NHS England, and Stephen Dorrell, Chair, NHS Confederation, on warnings of a crisis in adult social care, how this is impacting on the NHS, whether additional funding should be directed to the NHS or adult social care, how reduced social care budgets are affecting the NHS and issues around health and social care integration and Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs).

Further information

Image: PA