Committee examines housing and health for older people
30 November 2017
The Communities and Local Government Committee hears evidence on housing and health and alternative forms of housing as it continues its inquiry in to housing for older people.
- Watch Parliament TV: Housing for older people
- Inquiry: Housing for older people
- Communities and Local Government
Impact of housing on health
Questioning is likely to focus on the impact on health of housing and mainstream and age-friendly homes before moving on to senior co-housing, multigenerational homes and the design of older people's housing.
The inquiry is examining whether the housing on offer for older people is sufficiently available and suitable for their needs and, in doing so, consider how older people wish to live.
The Committee has previously heard from witnesses on downsizing, barriers to moving and specialist retirement properties.
Monday 4 December 2017, Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster
At 4.00pm
Panel 1 (Housing and health):
- Jacquel Runnalls, Co-Opted Lead on Accessibility and Inclusive Design, Royal College of Occupational Therapists' Specialist Section in Housing and Senior Occupational Therapist in Housing, London Borough of Waltham Forest
- Gill Moy, Director of Housing and Customer Services, Nottingham City Homes
- Professor Carol Holland, Centre for Ageing Research, Lancaster University
At 5.00pm
Panel 2 (Alternative approaches):
- Anna Kear, Executive Director, UK Cohousing Network
- Patrick Manwell, Consultant Architect, Archadia
- Maria Brenton, Co-housing Consultant to the Older Women's Co-housing Community
Further information
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