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Brexit and health and social care inquiry launched

20 September 2016

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Health Committee invites written submissions on the priorities for health and social care in the negotiations on the UK's withdrawal from the European Union.

The evidence submitted to the Committee's pre-referendum inquiry into the impact of EU membership on health and social care has demonstrated the wide range of areas in which EU membership affects this policy area. The Committee is now seeking views on what the most important issues are to which attention will need to be paid in the withdrawal negotiations and what outcomes should be sought from them.

The Committee also invites views on what risks and opportunities for health and social care arise from the UK's withdrawal from the EU, and how the Government should seek to mitigate the risks, and take advantage of the opportunities.

Scope of the inquiry

The Health Committee is responsible for scrutinising the work of the Department of Health and its associated public bodies. Submissions should therefore address matters for which the Secretary of State for Health is responsible. However, comments are welcome on matters (such as, for example, the free movement of labour, or the single market) where the Secretary of State for Health may not have lead responsibility, but where the withdrawal negotiations led by other Ministers have important implications for health and/or social care in England.

The Committee will not be attempting to examine in detail the whole range of issues affected by UK withdrawal from the EU in the health and social care policy area. Rather, it will be attempting to identify the priority issues which the Government will need to address in the negotiations, and to hold the Government to account for what it achieves.

The Committee may choose to proceed by examining the issues through a "case study" approach, looking in detail during oral evidence sessions at a particular area—for example, a particular EU directive, such as the Clinical Trials Directive, an institution, such as the European Medicines Agency, or a policy area, such as the implications of the loss or restriction of free movement of people on health service staffing and/or access to healthcare—to consider the implications of that particular issue for health and social care. The Committee would welcome suggestions for the area or areas it might look at if it decides to take that approach.


Submissions should not exceed 3000 words and should reach the Committee by Friday 28 October 2016.

Specialist advice

The Committee may wish to appoint one or more specialist advisers to assist it during this inquiry. Expressions of interest in that role are invited alongside written submissions to the inquiry.

Individuals who wish to be considered for appointment should send a brief CV—ideally no more than three pages—together with a covering letter of no more than 500 words explaining why they would be suitable for the role. The letter should be addressed to the Chair of the Committee and should be emailed with the CV to by Friday 21 October 2016.

More information on the role of specialist adviser is available in the call for expressions of interest.

Further information

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