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High Speed Rail Bill Select Committee: Issues covered by the Chilterns petitions

24 September 2015


Today, we have completed three weeks of intense hearings on the Chilterns area.

We know about the issues of

  • the AONB
  • its amenity use by locals and tourists
  • footpaths
  • tourism in the Chilterns and possible threats to it
  • traffic, especially on the A413
  • emergency service access
  • air quality
  • and blight.

In October, we will hear further on these from Bucks County Council and Chilterns District Council, when they appear on non-tunnel issues.

We do not expect that it will be useful for most other petitioners to add more. So, Chilterns petitioners who will appear in October and November need not cover these issues, with which the Committee will by then be fully acquainted.